Reflection #5

March 6, 2010 at 9:44 PM (Uncategorized) ()

Lecture 5.3.2010

Dr. R took over the class for this week’s lecture. It seems like such a long time since we had our last lecture. That’s because this year, coincidence or not, most of the public holidays fall on a Friday.

We talked about the definition of technology and educational technology. Technology means not just the tools like computers, or LCD projectors, but also methods, techniques and knowledge employed or used.

Previously, the style of teaching everywhere was the same –

The teacher speaks, the students listen.

But now, with technology fast advancing upon us, there are so many different ways of not only conveying teaching material but also in aiding students for searching of information on their own as well as interacting with others. Students can now encounter knowledge for themselves :)

Such variety in styles of teaching and learning is beneficial to diverse learners in our education system. Audio and visual aids are now easier to prepare and disseminate as compared to times before.

Dr. R also talked about how we can align technology with learning. Sometimes, many teachers are knowledgeable in such areas but are not aware of how the knowledge can be used to enhance students’ learning, which should forever remain a teacher’s primary concern.

Just like this blog is used as a learning tool, teachers can use WordPress blogs for students to obtain notes, exercises, further enrichment tasks, sharing and interaction between teacher and students as well as amongst themselves. WordPress has many features that seem to be advantageous for such a purpose, like being able to create categories to make things more organized, community support (among bloggers), high and effective measures against SPAM, and good comment moderation (where the owner of the blog can edit comments written by other people).

With the knowledge that we have of the use of media, as teachers we should learn to integrate it into our teaching. It can be used as an effective teaching aid that enhances students’ learning and not just teacher’s teaching.

There was a video shown by Dr. R (her son Faisal helped :P) where a certain Michael Wesch mentioned about how he had done a simple show-of-hands survey in his lecture room and more than half said that they did not like school. However, when he asked who did not like learning, no hands went up. This goes to show that the fact of the matter is,

Students are willing and anxious to learn, yet the educational institutions they are in do not seem to encourage that, or maybe the manner in which teaching and learning is conducted.

Hence, this should make us teachers realize that:

…a serious revamping of the method in which we teach needs to be done in order for us to remain current and meet the needs of this constantly evolving body of students with diverse learning styles.

One way is by integrating media and IT into teaching. Studies have shown positive results, so why not?

We should always be willing to learn and try new things out. Trial and error is the best way to go. That’s what I am doing now anyways.

What have we got to lose, except self-doubts? :)

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